Srimad Bhagavatam - Part 1 - Written Episode 8 (Krishna's Kindness to the fruit seller)


                     srimad bhagavatam

                            Bal Krishna

                              Episode - 8

Once, Baby Krishna was playing near his house. Then he saw a woman selling fruits in her basket. She said, “Take fruits!, fruits.”
Krishna went to the fruit seller and  said in a humble voice, “Aunt, please give me some mangoes.”
She got attracted by Krishna’s humbleness. “What a sweet boy! So sweet voice!” Then she gave some fruits to Krishna.  “Eat as much as you want.”, she said.
Then Krishna humbly gave 4 pieces of mud to her. She accepted it for his humbleness. Then Krishna went away but the thought that what she would do with these four pieces of mud. Then Lo and Behold! To her surprise, the pieces of mud turned to gold! Then she realized that Krishna was god. Krishna blessed her. She was happy and was thankful to Krishna. 

