Srimad Bhagavatam - Part 1 - Bal Krishna - Written Episode 3 (The 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu has born)


                     srimad bhagavatam

                            Bal Krishna

                              Episode -3 

Each time if a child was born to Vasudeva and Devaki, his cries were heard by soldiers who guard here and there. They inform to Kamsa that the kid was born. Then Kamsa will go inside the prison, kill the baby mercilessly and throw there itself immediately. It happened 7 times. When eighth child was about to born they were a bit scared by Kamsa. Vasudeva saw some hay in the prison. He made a bed with hay for the baby to sleep. At midnight Lord Vishnu appeared there and said, “I will be born here as Krishna. When I am born, take me to Gokul and go inside Nanda’s house, there you will find a baby girl in his house.  Leave me there and come here with that baby girl. In Gokul, I will be raised by Nanda and Yashodha.’’ Saying this Lord Vishnu disappeared.


As Lord Vishnu said a baby boy was born. Vasudeva and Devaki’s joy knew no bounds. The kid was very charming. He did not even cry. When he was born the soldiers slept as if a spell cast on them.  Devaki kissed him. “I want him forever, in my whole life.’’ said Devaki. Vasudeva also wants to kiss Krishna but they were chains on hands. Then the chains opened on their own. Vasudeva’s joy knew no bounds. He (Baby Krishna) slept on the hay-bed for sometime. Then Vasudeva wondered how to open the door of prison. The doors of prison opened on their own.




