Srimad Bhagavatam - Part 1 - Bal Krishna - Written Episode 2 (Caution from Heavens)


                     srimad bhagavatam

                            Bal Krishna

                              Episode -2

The marriage of Vasudeva and Devaki happened in great pomp and ceremony.

 Kamsa took the new wedded couple in a chariot. When people saw Kamsa, they ran away helter skelter because he was merciless and evil. Even if the person does not done any crime he beats them very badly and dash him or her towards the ground and kills him. Kamsa said  “Vasudeva, see how the jumbos are scared of me!’’ Vasudeva smiled at him as he did not know about Kamsa. Then a caution came from heaven “You have committed thousands of sins, Kamsa. The eighth child of Devaki will kill you.’’ 

“Then I will kill Devaki and drink her blood! Then how will she give birth to eighth child? Not even the first child.’’ said Kamsa. He raised his sword to kill Devaki but Vasudeva stopped him and said, “Kamsa! I will give you all the babies which will born to Devaki. Now please spare her life.’’ Kamsa agreed and said, “Okay! But you will kept in the deadliest prison of Mathura. Huhahahahahahaha!!!’’ He took both of them in the palace. He dragged Ugrasena, Vasudeva and Devaki to the prisons and threw them, closed and locked them in prisons. Ugrasena was in one prison and Vasudeva and Devaki in the other. Vasudeva, Devaki and Ugrasena’s grief knew no bounds.



